miércoles, mayo 02, 2012

50 people you wish you knew in real life

50 people you wish you knew in real life

50 personas que desearías conocer en la vida

1.  Whoever managed to get this giant bag of Lucky Charms marshmallows (Cualquiera que consiga esta bolsa gigante de confeti)

Whoever managed to get this giant bag of Lucky Charms marshmallows
...so you can be their new best friend.

2. Whoever threw this party (quienquiera que organizara esta party)

Whoever threw this party
...so you can have them plan your birthday.

3. Whoever this dog walker is (quienquiera que sea este paseador de perros)

Whoever this dog walker is
...so you can ask how he got so dang cool.

4. Whoever takes advantage of a heat wave like this (cualquiera que se aproveche así de la ola de calor)

Whoever takes advantage of a heat wave like this
...so you can carpool with them.

5. Whoever this little girl that doesn't trust monkeys is (quienquiera que se esta niña de la que desconfía el mono)

Whoever this little girl that doesn't trust monkeys is
...so you can ask her who won the staring contest.

6. Whoever did these hairstyles (quienquiera que haya hecho estos cortes de pelo)

Whoever did these hairstyles
...so you can get some ideas for your next haircut.

7. Whoever just had their ice cream stolen by a bird (cualquiera al que un pájaro le haya mangado un helado)

Whoever just had their ice cream stolen by a bird
...so you can tell them that, hey, at least they still have half.

8. Whoever's grocery cart looks like this (cualquiera con un carro de la compra como este)

Whoever's grocery cart looks like this
...so you can invite yourself over for dinner.

9. Whoever this skateboarding professor is (quienquiera que sea este profesor de monopatín)

Whoever this skateboarding professor is
...so you can get a degree in BEING RADICAL!

10. Whoever these kids are (quienquiera que sean estos niños)

Whoever these kids are
...so that when they're President, you can say you supported them from day one.

11. Whoever this kid getting eaten by a camel is

Whoever this kid getting eaten by a camel is
...so you can find out if he ever got his revenge.

12. Whoever baby Kim Jong-Il is (quienquiera que sea este Kim Jong-Il bebé)

Whoever baby Kim Jong-Il is
...so you can give thanks for the NEW dear leader.

13. Whoever just hit this milestone (cualquiera que marque este hito)

Whoever just hit this milestone
...so you can congratulate him.

14. Whoever gave these out to trick-or-treaters (quienquiera que ofrezca estos dulces como truco o trato)

Whoever gave these out to trick-or-treaters
...so you can shake their hand on a prank well done.

15. Whoever is giving these out (cualquiera que ofrezca gratis encogerse de hombros)

Whoever is giving these out
...so you can, uh, nevermind.

16. Whoever loves Wendy's this much (cualquiera que adore Wendy)

Whoever loves Wendy's this much
...so you can get their opinion on Arby's.

17. Whoever has this great of a name (quienquiera que se llame como este)

Whoever has this great of a name
...so you can meet his parents and find out why they named him that.

18. Whoever dressed up as Hall & Oates (quienquiera que se disfrace así)

Whoever dressed up as Hall & Oates
...so you can get some ideas for a Simon & Garfunkel costume.

19. Whoever owns this sweater (quienquiera que se ponga este jersey)

Whoever owns this sweater
...so you can "borrow" it.

20. Whoever can name a song this easily (quienquiera que pregunte por el nombre de una canción así)

Whoever can name a song this easily
...so you can find out what that damn song is.

21. Whoever these basset hounds belong to (a quienquiera que pertenezcan estos basset hounds)

Whoever these basset hounds belong to
...so you can thank them for their gift to society.

22. Whoever is holding this fat cat (cualquiera que sostenga un gato asi)

Whoever is holding this fat cat
...so you can ask if it would be a good way to work out your biceps.

23. Whoever is bench pressing a goose (quienquiera que haga press banca con un ganso)

Whoever is bench pressing a goose
...so you can ask if that's a better way to work out than lifting a fat cat.

24. Whoever lives here (cualquiera que viva aquí)

Whoever lives here
...so you can ask them about their intense rivalry with neighboring town Hoagieville.

25. Whoever looks like Cartman (cualquiera que se parezca a Cartman)

Whoever looks like Cartman
...so you can head on down to South Park.

26. Whoever threw this birthday party for their dog (cualquiera que haga una fiesta de cumple para su perro)

Whoever threw this birthday party for their dog
...so you can find out what EXACTLY was in that cake.

27. Whoever gave this person food (quien de de comer a esta persona)

Whoever gave this person food
...so you can teach them how to eat.

28. Whoever owns this business (al dueño de este negocio - dia del derecho del donuts-)

Whoever owns this business
...so you can find out if they're better than ight.

29. Whoever snuck this into a game (quien lleva este snack a un partido)

Whoever snuck this into a game

...and can do this

...and can do this
...so you can take them with you everywhere you go.

30. Whoever threw this tennis ball at this dog's crotch (quien tiró esta paleta de tenis a los huevos de este perro?

Whoever threw this tennis ball at this dog's crotch
...so you can ask when he stopped laughing.

31. Whoever's wedding party this is (quien sea que tuvo esta boda)

Whoever's wedding party this is
...so you can ask what it's like to get married at the bottom of the sea.

32. Whoever knows this shortcut (quien conozca este atajo)

50 People You Wish You Knew In Real Life
...so you can at least try to beat them in Super Smash Brothers...
or play them outside a Taco Bell.

33. Whoever pushed this pug down this slide (quien lanza a su perro así)

Whoever pushed this pug down this slide
...so you can ask them when the pug knew this was a big mistake.

34. Whoever photobombed all these concert pictures (quien foto bombardeó este concierto)

50 People You Wish You Knew In Real Life
...so you can ask them to dance.

35. Whoever this ripped person is (quien sea este pájaro)

Whoever this ripped person is
...so you can find out their fitness secrets.

36. Whoever Lindsay is (quienquiera que sea Lindsay)

Whoever Lindsay is
...so you can ask her if she actually bought this photo, or just took a picture of the screens after the ride.

37. Whoever had to film this (cualquiera que tenga que filmar esto)

Whoever had to film this
...so you can ask them if they wish they worked for WB instead.

38. Whoever let their grandma take this picture (quienquiera que pide a su abuela hacer esta foto)

Whoever let their grandma take this picture
...so you can ask if she can do your headshots.

39. Whoever this luchador riding a motorcycle while riot police fire tear gas at him is (quienquiera que sea este luchador motero que esquiva una bola de la poli)

Whoever this luchador riding a motorcycle while riot police fire tear gas at him is
...so you can always feel safe.

40. Whoever is riding this scooter (quien sea que conduce este scooter)

Whoever is riding this scooter
...so you can ride in style.

41. Whoever's desktop this is (quienquiera que tenga un escritorio windows como este)

Whoever's desktop this is
...so you can find out more about their Shaqintosh.

42. Whoever's parents these are (quienquiera que tenga unos padres como estos)

Whoever's parents these are
...so you can hear more embarrassing stories about them.

43. Whoever had to sit in that seat (quien se tenga que sentar en un asiento como este)

Whoever had to sit in that seat
...so you can tell them that you've been there, man.

44. Whoever this very adventurous kid is (un aventurero como este)

Whoever this very adventurous kid is
...so you can go hiking with him.

45. Whoever put this on the news (quien ponga esto en las noticias)

Whoever put this on the news
...so you can thank them for covering the stories that ACTUALLY matter.

46. Whoever this poor guy is (cualquiera pobre con un nombre así)

Whoever this poor guy is
...so you can tell them all about the name changing process.

47. Whoever this sports fan is (a cualquier fan de los deportes como este)

Whoever this sports fan is
...so you can have them there the next time you play ping pong.

48. Whoever fell asleep like this in class (qiuien se soba como este)

Whoever fell asleep like this in class
...so you can learn how to get a good night's sleep anywhere.

49. Whoever planned this "Same Height Party" (quienquiera que organiza una "fiesta de la misma altura")

Whoever planned this "Same Height Party"
...so you can get your own pair of weird blue shoes.

50. And Nicolas Cage (por supuesto a Nicolás Caja)

And Nicolas Cage

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